Disclaimer & Waiver


1.1 This Disclaimer and Waiver applies to the provision of  Services by BJ CUSH PTY LIMITED (ACN 130 055 855) as  trustee for BJ Cush Family Trust trading as Bondi Icebergs Gym (we, us, our) to you. By paying for, accessing or participating in the Services, as defined  below, and signing this Disclaimer and Waiver you  agree to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer and  Waiver.  

1.2 For the purposes of this Disclaimer and Waiver:

(a) Activities means the following:  

i. cardio, strength and conditioning exercises performed at a high intensity level, including but not limited to exercises requiring exercise equipment or machinery, as well as body weight and body weight accessory exercises; 

ii. throwing or carrying heavy objects; 

iii. swimming; running;  

iv. use of dumbbells, barbells and weighted plates; 

v. gymnastics; and 

vi. other activities incidental to fitness and improving one’s physical health.  

(b) Claim means any claim, cross-claim, causes of  action, notice, demand, direction, accounts, costs  (including legal costs and expenses), charges, expenses, arbitrations, liabilities, damages, loss, actions, suits, proceedings, litigation, claims and demands either at law or in equity and/or arising under a statute; and 

(c) Services means the following services provided by  us: 

i. the use of our gym, access to Bondi Iceberg’s pool and sauna, exercise facilities, exercise machines and equipment; 

ii. recommending personal trainers;  

iii. personal training and supervised exercise sessions by independent contractors;  

iv. the provisions of various fitness events; and 

v. any other services we may decide to provide in the further. 


2.1 You declare that after careful consideration you are not  subject to any existing injury, medical condition or  treatment that may render you unsuitable for participation in the Services.  

2.2 You declare that you have had a consult with your  health professional to ensure that you have no injury or medical condition that renders you unsuitable for participation in the Services.  


3.1 All our services are intended for general fitness  purposes only.  

3.2 We provide our services on an "as-is" and "as available"  basis and whilst every effort is taken to ensure the  information provided throughout the provision of the  services is accurate, we make no representations and  give no guarantees or warranties about the currency,  suitability, reliability, timeliness and/or accuracy of our  services.

3.3 You acknowledge and agree that we, our employees, affiliates, independent contractors, and representatives  are not responsible for decisions that you may make, or  for any consequences, undesired or otherwise, that  may flow from your engagement of our services. 

3.4 Any testimonials and examples of our Services, wherever published (online or in print) are not to be  taken as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.  

3.5 We make no warranty, representation, or guarantee  regarding the suitability of our Services for any  particular purpose, nor do we assume any liability  whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any  Services. It is your responsibility to independently  determine suitability of any Services and to test and  verify the same. 

3.6 You acknowledge and agree that any results to be  attained by you are dependent upon you solely. Your  success depends on many factors, including your own  commitment, dedication, desire, and motivation, your  dissemination and application of our education and  training to your own circumstances or your capabilities.  

3.7 The implementation of any physical exercises, following  we provide may have unexpected or unintended  consequences, which may vary from person to person,  and you acknowledge that you perform any recommended exercises and follow any dietary  recommendations at your own risk. 

3.8 Prior to starting any of our recommended physical  exercises or implementing our dietary recommendations, you should always consult with your  medical practitioner.  

3.9 In the event that you provide personal health  information to us during a consultation or the provision  of Services, the provision of Services: 

(a) will not constitute a doctor-patient relationship  between you and us;  

(b) shall not involve or constitute the practice of  medicine; and  

(c) shall not be a replacement or substitute for  medical advice which should be obtained from  your medical practitioner. 

3.10 Any information or exercises provided by us are for  educational purposes only and does not constitute  professional or medical advice. You should always consult with your medical practitioner before beginning  any recommendations we provide. 

3.11 You acknowledge that you accept full responsibility for  informing yourself and assessing all the risks of any  exercises we recommend and will rely solely on your  own assessment of these risks before participating in  those exercises.  

3.12 You understand there are risks associated with possible  physical exertion which may be experienced when  participating in our physical training services, which  include, but are not limited to, aggravating pre-existing  injuries. 

3.13 You agree to inform us of any pre-existing injuries that  may effect the use of our services in the event you do  not disclose pre-existing injuries to us, you agree to  hold us harmless for any further injury caused as result  of using our services, which could have been prevented  by that disclosure.  

3.14 You have an obligation to inform us when you suspect that or find an equipment that is been broken,  damaged or in an unusable condition.  

3.15 You must always inspect all equipment before using it.  Under no circumstances should you use an equipment  when you suspect or find an equipment that has been  broken, damaged or in an unusable condition. 

3.16 You acknowledge and agree that should you receive  personal training you do so at your own risk, and should  you sustain any injury as a result then you agree to hold  us harmless and indemnify us from any Claims. 

3.17 You agree to return all equipment used by you to the  original location after you use it. 

3.18 We are not medical practitioners and do not have  expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical  conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of  any specific exercise video, exercise program or  nutritional program on a medical condition. 

3.19 You acknowledge that there is a possibility of physical  injury while using our Services. We are not liable for any  claim you bring against us or any injury or loss you may  suffer as a result of using our Services. 

3.20 If you use any of our Services, you agree that you do so  at your own risk and voluntarily. You assume and  accept all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release  and hold us harmless from any and all claims made  against us, which arise directly or indirectly as a result  of or in connection with your use of our Services and  any exercises or activities which relate to the provision  of those Services. 

3.21 In relation to our Services, we do not guarantee that  you will lose weight, or experience an improvement in any aspect of your physical health, as any results you  achieve are dependent on you solely and your own  motivation and commitment.  

3.22 If you are unsure about how to use any of the exercise  equipment, or any of our services you agree to inform  us immediately so we may provide you with proper  instruction and assistance, if requested.  

3.23 Upon entry into and use of any Bondi Icebergs Club  property including the pool, sauna or any area outside  the gym itself, you acknowledge and agree to all the  terms and conditions, and other policies of the Bondi  Iceberg Club. Further, you also acknowledge and agree  that we are unable supervise or provide any assistance  to you for any outside of the gym.  

3.24 None of the Services provided by us are a promise or  guarantee of results or an improvement in your physical  health.  

3.25 You acknowledge and agree that we, our employees,  affiliates, independent contracts, and representatives  are not responsible for your safety in any manner.  

3.26 You acknowledge and agree that we, our employees,  affiliates, independent contractors, and representatives  are not responsible for decisions that you may make, or  for any consequences, undesired or otherwise, that  may flow from your engagement of the Services. 

3.27 You acknowledge and agree that we, our employees,  affiliates, independent contracts, and representatives  are not responsible for ensuring that you are using the  Services correctly, with caution and safely. It is your  responsibility to inform us and seek assistance when  you are unsure about using our Services.  

3.28 You acknowledge and agree to ensure that you are  appropriately dressed and equipped to safely use the  Services. This includes wearing appropriate enclosed  footwear clothes and the use of a towel is mandatory  at all times while in the gym. You will also agree to  maintain good hygiene standards, wipe down all equipment after use and should the use of masks  become mandatory you agree to comply with all public safety orders at the relevant time.  

3.29 You acknowledge and agree that you will use the  Services provided and equipment available only for  purpose and manner in which such Services and  equipment are provided. 

3.30 You acknowledge and agree to our use of CCTV  surveillance in the gym for the safety, security and  health of our employees, affiliates, independent  contractors, and representatives and other members. 

3.31 You acknowledge and agree that the lockers provided  by us are for storage purposes only. We take no  responsibility for the safety and security for the items  stored in these lockers or otherwise kept anywhere in the gym.  

3.32 You acknowledge that you received a toggle for entry  into the gym. You acknowledge that the toggle is our  property and you are not to loan it to anyone else. If  you lose or misplace the toggle, you agree to pay a $5 for the replacement of that toggle.  

3.33 You agree to provide us with a photograph of you or to  be photographed upon accepting these Terms. This  photograph will serve as a verification of your identity  each time you enter the gym.

3.34 You acknowledge and agree to ensure that you vacate  the premises when asked by us, our employees, affiliates, independent contracts, and representatives. 3.35 We make no warranty, representation, or guarantee  regarding the suitability of our Services for any particular purpose, nor do we assume any liability  whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any  Service. It is your responsibility to independently determine suitability of any Service and to test and  verify the same. 

3.36 Any information, any documents, any guidelines or recommendations made by us in relation to our Services are made on the basis of information that was  available to us at the time. 


4.1 You understand that our Services involve the Activities  as defined in clause 1.2(a) and such Activities contain  varying degrees of risk.  

4.2 You understand and acknowledge that the risks of the  Activities prescribed by our Services include, but are not  limited to: 

(a) falls and tripping; 

(b) equipment related hazards (e.g. broken, defective  or inadequate equipment, unexpected equipment  failure, or your misuse of equipment);  

(c) contact or collision with other co-participants of  and Activity at our gym or any fitness event provided by us;  

(d) sudden change environmental conditions causing  disruptions and increasing risk of injury;  

(e) inadequate first aid and/or emergency measures;  (f) judgement-and/or behaviour-related problems  (e.g. erratic or inappropriate co-participant, errors  in judgement by personnel working an event); and 

(g) regarding Services provided by us, there are risks  relating to the natural environment including, wet  or damp surfaces and the effects of weather including rains, waves, wind and lightning, and extreme temperature or conditions.  

4.3 You hereby acknowledge that all risks are known and  accepted by you. 

4.4 You further understand and acknowledge that any of  the risks at clause 4.2 and others not specifically named, may cause injuries that may be categorized as  minor, serious, or catastrophic. Minor injuries include,  but are not limited to, scrapes, bruises, sprains and  cuts. Serious injuries include, but are not limited to,  property loss or damage, broken bones, fractures, torn  or strained ligaments and tendons, concussions, exposure, dehydration, heat exhaustion, and other  heat-related illnesses, mental stress or exhaustion,  emotional distress and dislocations. Catastrophic injuries are rare, but are a possibility. These injuries can  include, but are not limited to, permanent disabilities, spinal injuries and death. In choosing to participate in  the Activities you fully understand, accept and assume all risks whether before, during or upon completion of  the Activities. 

4.5 You warrant that you are of sound mind when you  accept this Disclaimer and Waiver, and have the  capacity to accept full responsibility for assessing  whether you are willing to participate in any activity  which carries an element of risk. In summary, you  acknowledge our Services include activities that carry  risk of physical injury and that you shall be solely  responsible for consenting to participate in such  activities.  

4.6 You acknowledge that when participating in any Activity provided by us, there is a possibility of physical injury,  disability or death. You acknowledge that we are not liable for any Claim you bring against us or any injury or  loss you may suffer as a result of participating in any Activity. 

4.7 We make no representation that we are health practitioners or registered medical professionals. 

4.8 We do not purport to diagnose or treat health  conditions, but will use our Services to propose  possibilities for improving your health and wellbeing.

4.9 All our Services are intended for providing physical challenges and for general education and information  purposes only and do not, nor are not intended to,  constitute professional advice.  

4.10 If you have a health condition, you should always consult with your health professional before engaging  our Services. 

4.11 You acknowledge that any employee, contractor, or representative of ours is not acting as a medical  professional and you will not use our Services as a  substitute for such clinical health care. 

4.12 We provide physical challenges, support, guidance and tools for you to improve your physical health, set goals, determine priorities and achieve results, but any decision you make, and the consequences that flow  from such decisions, is your sole responsibility. Your  success depends on many factors, including your  dedication, participation, desire, and motivation.  

4.13 You acknowledge and agree that you are solely liable for any damage, loss or injury caused by you that is  suffered by us or a third party, or for any damage to our gym or personal property or the personal property of a  third party, and that you will indemnify us of any Claims  made by us or a third party in connection with your use  of the Services. 

4.14 You accept full responsibility for informing yourself and assessing all the dangers, hazards and risks of being involved with the Activities provided by us, especially if you have a physical injury or medical condition, including, but not limited to a life threatening medical condition, such as a heart condition or any other  medical condition, and you will rely solely on your own assessment of these dangers, hazards and risks before  participating in those Activities, taking into account that the Activities may be located in areas where it may be difficult to access emergency medical services.

4.15 You confirm that any information you have provided us is true and correct in relation to your medical history and any existing health conditions you have, and if required by us, have obtained or will obtain medical advice from your GP or appropriate medical professional, prior to participating in our Services, to  ensure you are not at major risk of injury, or physical or mental harm during activities conducted during the provision of our Services. 

4.16 You acknowledge and agree that the above warning of the risks associated with the Activities and the Services constitutes a risk warning in accordance with the Civil Liability Act 2002 No 22


5.1 To the extent permitted by Law and in consideration of  being permitted to participate in our Services, you  agree that you will not make, take or seek any Claim against BJ Cush Pty Ltd (ACN 130 055 855) trading as Bondi Icebergs Gym and its officers, employees, agents, representatives and independent contractors (all collectively referred to as “the Releasees”) arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with your participation in our Services and you unconditionally and irrevocably forever waive, release, acquit, covenant not to sue, and discharge the Releasees from and  against any loss, liability, cost (including all legal costs and expenses on an indemnity basis), expense, damage,  charge, penalty, outgoing or payment, however arising and whether present, unascertained, future or contingent and includes indirect and consequential loss (Loss) arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with your participation in our Services. 

5.2 Without limiting the above, you acknowledge and agree that in the event that you are injured, you will bring no Claims, legal or otherwise, against the Releasees in respect of that injury or damage and you hold the Releasees harmless.  

5.3 You agree to release, waive, acquit, covenant not to sue and forever discharge the Releasees from all Claims (including, but not limited to, claims for negligence, breach of contract or breach of statute), or right to  compensation for damages you may claim to have or that you may have arising out of acts or omissions by  yourself or by the Releasees, as a result of the advice  given by us or otherwise resulting from the Services provided by us.  

5.4 You agree to hold harmless and indemnify the  Releasees from any and all Claims made against or Loss  suffered by the Releasees, which arises directly or  indirectly as a result of or in connection with your  participation in our Services.  

5.5 This Disclaimer and Waiver shall bind your heirs,  executors, personal representatives, successors, assigns, and agents. 

5.6 This Disclaimer and Waiver operates jointly and  severally in favour of the Releasees. 


6.1 I acknowledge and agree that the Activities and Services  constitute a recreational service within the meaning of  section 139A of the Competition and Consumer Act,  2010 (Cth) as the Activities and Services are (i) a sporting event or similar leisure time pursuit; and/or (ii) other activity that involves a significant degree of  physical exertion or physical risk and is undertaken for  the purpose of recreation, enjoyment or leisure.  

6.2 Provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act, 2010 (Cth) imply certain guarantees into contracts for the  supply of certain goods and services, such as warranties that Services will be rendered with due care and skill  and that goods supplied will be reasonably fit for purpose.  

6.3 By signing this Disclaimer and Waiver I agree that:

(a) the application of Subdivision B of Division 1 of  Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law are excluded; 

(b) all rights under Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part  3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law are excluded;  and 

(c) all liability of the Released Parties for a failure to  comply with a guarantee under Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law is excluded, in relation to the supply of the Activities and Services and to the extent any liability is in respect of: 

i. death;

ii. physical or mental injury (including the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of such an injury); 

iii. the contraction, aggravation or acceleration  of a disease; or 

iv. the coming into existence, aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance, occurrence, activity, form of behaviour, course of conduct or state of affairs in relation to an individual:

(i) that is or may be harmful or disadvantageous to an individual or the community; or

(ii) that may result in harm or disadvantage to an individual or the community. 


7.1 You acknowledge that you have read this Disclaimer  and Waiver and fully understand its terms. You acknowledge you are 18 years or over, or, if you are  under 18 years of age, your parent or guardian agrees  to the ‘Declaration for Minors’, under clause 8. You or  your parent or guardian, if relevant, understand(s) that  you are giving up substantial rights. You further acknowledge that by participating in the Services you  agree to this Disclaimer and Waiver freely and voluntarily, without any inducement, assurance or  guarantee being made to you. © Progressive Legal Pty  Ltd (ACN 607 068 708) trading as Progressive Legal (2021). All Rights Reserved. This document was last  updated 8 July 2022.  


8.1 If you are under 18 years of age on the day this  declaration is acknowledged and accepted, the declaration must be acknowledged and accepted by  your parent or guardian.  

8.2 I warrant and certify that I am the parent or guardian of  the child registering to participate in the Services (“My Child”) who is under 18 years of age and that he/she  has my consent and is capable of participating in the  activities involved in the Services. I confirm that I have  read and understand the above Disclaimer and Waiver  and that I agree, on behalf of My Child, to be bound by  each of those conditions and having done so, I  acknowledge and accept voluntarily. 

8.3 Medical Release:  

(a) I permit any authorised employee of yours to  arrange for medical attention for My Child or to  transfer My Child to a Medical Centre or to a hospital if, in the opinion of that person, medical  attention is needed or is likely to be needed for  My Child.  

(b) I agree that on transporting My Child to any  hospital or medical facility, you will have no further responsibility for, or in respect of, My Child.

(c) I agree to pay all costs associated with such  medical care or attention and for related transportation for My Child and I agree to  indemnify and to keep you indemnified for and in  respect of any such costs incurred. 

(d) I further authorise a Medical Centre or any  hospital, its assigns, employees or agents to  render any necessary or emergency medical care  or attention to My Child if considered necessary  by a medical practitioner.  

(e) I am aware that the practice of medicine in a  surgery is not an exact science and I acknowledge  that no guarantees have been made to me/My  Child as to the result of treatment or examinations at a Medical Centre or at any  hospital. 

I have read, understood and hereby agree to be bound by and to comply with all of the above terms  of this Disclaimer and Waiver.